
How to Finance a Restaurant Purchase


Restaurants are always opening up in every city and town across North America. But how are all these restaurants being financed? This is an importa…

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CHI Real Estate Group & Restaurants Canada


Ori Grad and his team are excited to announce their membership with Restaurants Canada. Membership with Restaurants Canada will help CHI Real Estat…

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Big Plans By Google For Toronto’s Waterfront – Is A Gold Mine Or A Red Herring?


The vision we have of “the city of the future” has been molded by television, movies, and cartoons like Futurama and The Jetsons. The flying ca…

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6 Tips on How to Better Negotiate a Lease For Your Restaurant


So you want to start a restaurant and need to find a location for your business. Your next step is to negotiate a lease with a landlord.Leasing com…

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What You Need to Know When Looking for Commercial Real Estate in the GTA


The market for commercial real estate in Toronto has been booming for a while now. This boom has led to high prices, high demand, and it’s brough…

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Leasing or Buying Commercial Real Estate, What’s Best for Your Business?


Are you looking to obtain a commercial property in Toronto? One of the most important questions you will ask is whether you should buy or lease you…

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Proceed With Caution – The Personal Guarantee


When a business enters into a lease, usually the lease is signed by any officer on behalf of the corporation. If the business fails and defaults on…

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Commercial Lease – The Demolition Clause


The demolition clause is appearing more frequently in long-term leases. It is found most commonly in commercial leases in Ontario and Vancouver in …

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Clause Considerations When Signing a Commercial Lease


No two commercial leases are created the same! There are however some common points covered in most leases. Commercial property leases typically in…

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The Process Of Negotiating A Commercial Lease


A commercial lease is a written agreement between a landlord and a business tenant. This contract allows you, as the tenant, to use the commercial …

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