page: 7

What’s Your Business Worth? Determining Your Market Value


Putting a value on a business is a complex process. It goes far beyond simplistic revenue calculations.It’s hard to put a value on your business wh…

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How to Create an Agile Business That’s Prepared for Change


There’s more to business success than finding customers and generating profits right now. Being able to adapt to new challenges is the often overlo…

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What Makes Toronto a World-Class City?


Toronto’s future as a world-class city is looking as assured as ever. Last year on Kearney’s Global Cities Index, Toronto moved up nine spots, to n…

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Toronto’s Top 5 Favourite Dishes Everyone Should Try


Canada’s largest city is home to a patchwork of cultures and cuisines, each with its hallmark combination of flavours. As one of the world’s most d…

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Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS): What You Need to Know


The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for everybody for various reasons, from personal health to the ability to work. Financially, businesses ha…

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How to Finance a Startup Business: Non-bank Options


When it comes to starting a business, “How do I pay for all this?” is a question that comes up early in the process.While banks are certainly the t…

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How to Deal With Negative Online Reviews


It’s hard to please everyone. That’s as true in the hospitality industry as it is everywhere else. No matter how excellent your place of business m…

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Why Do Some Restaurant Entrepreneurs Choose Franchise Ownership?


Have you ever wondered why so many restaurant entrepreneurs choose to be part of a franchise rather than starting from scratch? It may seem counter…

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5 Free or Affordable Outdoor Winter Activities in Ontario


When the snow starts to fall, you and your family might be tempted to keep yourselves indoors all day. However, Ontario is home to many winter acti…

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Tips For Business Tax Filings in Canada


You work hard as a business owner or manager. After working with cash flow, suppliers, customer feedback, and employee activity among other conside…

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The True Costs of Mortgage Deferrals to Your Business


It’s no secret that 2020 has been a pretty tough year for individuals and businesses alike. The emotional toll of living and working through a pa…

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Ideas For Extending Patio Season for Toronto Restaurants and Bars


In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, restaurants across the country have moved quickly to expand outdoor dining sections. But with colder weather …

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